Go With The Economical And Flexible Solution.
Common sense tells us that a scalable solution to parking problems is the correct approach, as long as that solution is economical. MORE PARK® offers such a solution with a fully demountable, modular, expandable system that installs over your existing surface lot, is foundationless, and erects in weeks versus many months to a year or better for a conventional precast or cast-in-place deck. The MORE PARK® System can be used for a few years to solve temporary parking problems or indefinitely as your business requires. Similar decks in Europe have been in place for over twenty years and still going strong.
The MORE PARK® System is generally 40%-60% less expensive than traditional precast or CIP garages on a cost-per-space basis. With limited site and existing parking disruption, parking can be returned back to service in a matter of weeks. Compare that with the impact of earth moving equipment, concrete trucks and pumps, cranes and dozens of construction workers and their vehicles impacting your site for the better part several months to a year or more.
Your project deserves a MORE PARK® evaluation, let us show you how much money we can save you, how we can protect your current revenue stream, and get you added parking quicker than any other option available to you, all at no obligation. Call MORE PARK® at (518) 695-3752, or (845) 940-4076.